no entities, lots of camera shots of `crafts' - included two pictures
I had heard an explosion which made me check out all cameras on manhattan
seeing if a fire was occurring and where ... the weather has been gorgeous but the news keeps warning us about fires and rain storms. we get some lights but not the usual.
seeing if a fire was occurring and where ... the weather has been gorgeous but the news keeps warning us about fires and rain storms. we get some lights but not the usual.
I saw so much activity today i felt I had to tell someone.
Every rooftop seemed to have a craft on it and some small to enormous figures as well near or on roof with it. i have seen them for quite a while but i feel like allot more locals were aware as well.
They usually cloak so well but they seem to be letting their ANTENNAS down so to speak
I Wish to enclose one video and 1 photo for now, i have daily videos and pics documenting the oddest things i have ever seen without duplicates except for the black hurling balls, The lights at night have all been different lengths colors and girths from one rod to 3
Sometimes over hudson, sometimes in the buildings sucking energy it looks like.
Be prepared to turn down audio, It sounds sometimes worse than a train wreck
below is an upload to you tube of the weirdest most compelling objects i have ever videotaped.[link moved to fi section\dr\cms]
(one of two photos)
Somehow those energy sucking spaceships haven't become obvious to the masses and the above picture type is often ascribed to nothing more than multiple exposures. Those who have `entity' experiences are often convinced they alone see things.
Report 5
fear generated outcome, no entity,
we where on the deck. and seen heat lighting and went to the border of the property and then seen it. we where looking at the lighting then it moved. a ufo right away. it was quick it hovered looked round and lots of lights it had like a weird shape on top. red lights that flashed white lights and it moved very fast. landed twice then it went into the tree line. very nerves and shakey and in tis beleaf. and very cautious of my surroundings.scared to sleep alone and stunned. it went into the tree lines and like turned invisable.
claims aliens in pictures - sends no pictures
Seen many UFOs over past month almost daily.Two nights ago while laying in bed watching tv I felt a presence ,so I took some pics with my cell ,which has no flash bit takes good pics.In the pics many grey aliens can be seen vaguely in the shadows,but can be seen .So last night I decided to do an experiment,I placed flower on my bathroom floor to hopefully capture footprints,instead o got many symbols,twice in one night.i believe these beings can bend light and redeem themselves invisible.They have not shown them selves in the flesh to me yet ,but I'm sure they will soon ,as I will probally be abducted in the near future.also I had a guest thru out this ordeal who also witnessed the events.im submitting this on my cell and am having trouble send the pics contact me and we will get these pics to you ,which there are many,and almost every pics I took in have entities in them.I am a firm believer in the phenomenon,and would not waste your time.please contact me soon.
All these `bathroom hanging aliens'.... right. Talk about belief sets setting this person up....
End of Part Two
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